Country Definitions

From this point within Maintain company details you are able to access and maintain data that is specific to a particular country such as:

For each of the groupings above, except States of a Country, HR3 will supply a downloadable file, approximately once a year, which can be downloaded and the data added to your database. This will ensure that you can update your database quickly and conveniently and that you are always able to obtain the most up-to-date listings of public holidays, BSB's, postcodes, tax scales and banks.

International Banking

International bank account and branch formats can be entered into HR3pay in the Details tab of the selected country. For example, the system will cater for the New Zealand branch and account number structure (account and suffix etc), as well as the PNG 10 character account number. You can also specify whether you want the system to generate an ABA (Australian Banking Association) format file, or a custom file format.

When you install new HR3pay versions (from v2.1.3.95), the system will check the country of each Company defined in your database, and will set the default BSB and account number input formats and lengths accordingly.

For example, where the company is Australia, the branch (BSB) = 6 characters and the account number is 9 characters, left justified with no padding. For New Zealand, the branch code is 6 characters and the account number is 10 characters, right justified and zero padded.

IMPORTANT: For countries other than Australia, when you install HR3pay (from version the system will apply the following changes to any existing account numbers held in the system. You should check your bank accounts after the upgrade to confirm that your details are correct.
1. Country = ‘New Zealand’ - Version all existing AcctNo fields (eg employees, super funds, company bank and ‘deduction’ pay items) to take the first 7 digits of AcctNo + ‘0’ + last 2 digits of the existing AcctNo
2. Country = ‘Papua New Guinea’ - Version all existing AcctNo fields (eg employees, superfunds, company bank and ‘deduction’ pay items) to take the first 10 digits of the existing Lodgeref and copy this into the AcctNo field.

For countries other than Australia, you may already have a custom User Report script that exports your specific bank account format. For example, in New Zealand you may already have an export script to generate the BNZ or HSBC formats. You can “link” this export script to your Company Bank so that you can generate your banking file from the Payrun Wizard – Generate EFT File screen, rather than having to run the export separately from the User Reports folder.


A company can only be linked to one country as it will be using the banking, taxation and postage systems of the country in which it operates.